The early morning session commenced with the Istalinga Meditation; a technique popularised by Guru Basava. Younger generation namely Ms. Apoorva and Chetana anchored the program by introducing the significance of the meditation techniques to all. Several vachanas were recited by the group collectively and individually. Apoorva, Vihaan, Chetana, Arpita, Saanvi joined the program and this session concluded into the breakfast. The morning session was anchored by Mr.Dinesh Mysuru, Auckland and Mrs. Shashikala Movnachar from Brisbane, Australia. Little Ms. Apoorva Patil sang the vachana prayer to commence the session.
The Board Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd Hon Chair Dr Lingappa Kalburgi, MNZM, JP Hon Deputy Chair and Executive Director, Mrs. Girija Karekal, Mr. Aravind Jatti, President, Basava Samiti, Bengaluru, India Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific (NZ Chapter) Inc. President Mrs. Leena Kalburgi Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd, Adelaide Chapter President Mr. Shadakhsari Adavayyanamath from Adelaide Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd, Brisbane Chapter President Mrs. Shashikala Movnachar Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd, Mr. Mahalingappa Mahagaonkar, Founder of Shivarudra Trust, Kalburgi, India were present.
Mrs. Leena Kalburgi, President, BSAPAC New Zealand Chapter Inc. welcomed the audience and delivered the first speech of the First Basava Asia Pacific Convention. Keynote Speaker and Chief Guest Mr. Arvind Jatti, President, Basava Samiti, Bengaluru, India delivered his first speech highlighting the importance of “Transcending Knowledge with Ignorance” and released the first BSAPAC Convention Souvenir. The souvenir houses a collection of articles on the Guru Basava philosophy in multiple languages namely Kannada, Marati, English and Hindi. Mr.Jatti also chaired the first panel discussion on the topic “Arive Guru” – Self Realisation is the True Teacher” where in the BSAPAC Board, Chapter Presidents and BSAPAC NZ Advisor Mrs. Usha Palakshappa participated in the discussion and delicious lunch.
The afternoon session commenced with the Anubhava Ghosti and the second panel discussion, the program was introduced and anchored by little children. The multi-faith community leaders introduced themselves and their relevance of the Topic Transcending Knowledge with Ignorance Chinese Christians Ajit Singh Randhawa, Sikh Community Sushant Kadole, Jain Community Aadil Basha, Muslim Community Mr. Arvind Jatti, President Basava Samiti, Bangaluru. This panel discussion was followed by the Mr. Bhav Dhillon, Hon. Consul of India in Auckland address and he chaired the Community leaders honour program. Key community leaders honoured during this program are Mr Ajay Ravi, President, New Zealand Kannada Koota Inc. Mr. Garry Gupta, Chairperson, Migrant Careers Support Trust, Dr Primla Khar, President, Indian Association Manukau NZ, Mr. Vishal Rishi, Director, The Asian Netwok Inc. (TANI), Mrs. Roopa Suchdev, Chairperson Roopa aur Aap, Mr. Kalyan Rao Kasuganti, President Telangana Federation, Mr. Suneel Kuncha, President New Zealand Telugu Association, Mr. Dev Nadkarni, Centre for Indian Performing Arts, Mr. Ella Kumar, Chair, Puketapapa Local Board Health and Fitness Educator, Mr. Vai Ravindran, President Auckland Tamil Association, Mr.Manjunath B P, Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific (New Zealand) Inc. Mr. Venkat Raman, Editor, Indian Newslink, Mr. Yugal Parashar, Editor, The Indian News, Mr. Ravi Bajpai. Indian Weekender, and Mrs. Trupti Dev.
The evening program was an extravaganza of cultural talent portrayed by the locals from Kannada Koota and others. The event concluded with an extravaganza closing ceremony featuring the presentation of the BSAPAC Jewel Awards. These prestigious awards were bestowed upon Mr. Pramod Nagaraj (Perth), Mr. Linden May (Brisbane), Ms. Dan Wu (Adelaide), and Mrs. Dr. Danamma Zalaki (India), of the BSAPAC Charity, in recognition of their unparalleled passion to serve and their unwavering commitment to achieving excellence. Additionally, the BSAPAC Research Award was awarded to Dr. Avinash Kavi (India) for his outstanding research and contribution to the Sharana philosophy. The second hallmark of the closing ceremony was the much-awaited announcement of next venue and transferring of the convention baton. The Second BSAPC Convention will be held in Perth, Western Australia and the convention baton was transferred from Mrs Leena Kalburgi to Mr Nagarajappa Siddappa, president BSAPC, Perth Chapter Inc. Australia. The event was well received by people from diversified ethnicity including Korea, China, New Zealanders (Kiwis), Estonia, India, Maoris and their spirits, motivation significantly enhanced.