Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd (BSAPAC) is a not for profit charity established (2020) under the Commonwealth of Australia’s Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) and the Charities Act 2013 (Cth) with international operations.

It brings together the profound experiences, key lessons, user experiences and gaps from the Basava Samithi’s of Australasia while operating in New Zealand, Singapore and Australia for over two decades.

BSAPAC has established and adopted the proven techniques to propagate Guru Basava’s philosophy and uplift the mankind. Guru Basava philosophy can effectively mould the character and behaviour of individuals. It provides effective tools to establish an egalitarian society.

BSAPAC is built upon the core values of the Basava philosophy (used in lieu of Sharana philosophy) as detailed in the the Basava Yugāda Vachana Mahāsampuṭa (Mega volumes)1. It offers core and common services and operational guidance through activities which strengthens values in a multi-cultural, linguistically diversified society.


On the 8, 9 April 2023 at Mahatma Gandhi Centre, Auckland, New Zealand hosted the official inauguration of this international charity. It met its objectives of ENGAGE • EDUCATE • EMPOWER • ENLIGHTEN in accordance with the theme of the BSAPAC Charity and Guru Basava’s Vision for Global Peace and Harmony.

BSAPAC connects and unities small communities with a core purpose of promoting Guru Basava philosophy across the Asia Pacific region under one umbrella. Official Inauguration of Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd The event was officially inaugurated by Mr. Michael Wood, Minister for Immigration, Transport, Workplace Relations and Safety, Auckland, Finance – Associate Minister.

Minister Wood also released the BSAPAC Inaugural Report to mark this historic occasion.

The inaugural report is a comprehensive charity report that highlights the birth of BSAPAC, the transition and key success factors and achievements during its formation until now including the financial statements.

Who We Are


Our roadmap is to promote:
