Guru Basava followers migrated from India to the Asia Pacific during the early 1990s and settled in the region. They realised the importance of promoting and preserving their origin, culture and transferring ethical values to the next generation. Over time, they approached people in different capital cities of similar origin which enabled the birth of separate chapters in different cities. They coordinated and worked collaboratively to promote the rich culture and heritage of Guru Basava amongst each other by inviting key speakers and prophets from India. They conducted several programs and educated the community to collectively introduce them to Guru Basava’s values. All these chapter presidents (2020-2021) unanimously came forward to establish this international charity of Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd (BSAPAC).

BSAPAC was established, to inculcate the idea from our predecessors to strengthen and connect the migrants of the region to deliver and share common services. This idea percolated through a few senior leaders to connect and strengthen the social fabric. Some chapters in Australasia were smaller in size and needed extra resources, governance, and directional support to grow and sustain, whilst other chapters were self-sufficient but the growth stagnated and/or declined with reduced enthusiasm over time. Outside of the Australasian region, Guru Basava’s followers in this region were looking for innovative tools and techniques to make the philosophy and the practices palatable to the young minds being raised as foreign nationals in different countries of the Asia Pacific. Therefore, a public survey was commissioned by the presidents of the Basava Samithi of Australasian chapters in 2020, which highlighted a number of concerns, threats and opportunities for growth.

A strategic response to address all these concerns by the general public was determined and a transformational roadmap was developed. BSAPAC acts as an umbrella organisation by providing all the required support and help for the Basava Samitis in the Asia Pacific region to grow and nourish while maintaining their autonomy.

The Establishment

All Basava Samithi of Australasia Chapters operating in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, New Zealand, Perth conducted the first Asia Pacific Town Hall to swear the first office bearers of BSAPAC on the 02 May 2021.
Straight after the establishment of the Charity, the laborious task of officially onboarding the Basava Samithi of Australsian Chapters commenced where applicable.
The onboarding process involved educating the Chapters to incorporate a new way operating model, while providing them high tech digital tools and techniques to connect, collaborate, and handhold government liaison.
This expanded their opportunities for expanding creativity, innovation, greater outreach in a diversified multi-cultural society.
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Asia Pacific region is inhabited by immigrants from multi-ethnic play some cultures. A social common thread to interlink their cultures, thoughts and practices is required to strengthen society and break the barriers.

The present society needs inclusivity with concerns towards environment, mental and physical well-being and development.

In view of this, Basava can play a great role for the well-being of stop mankind. Imbibing these teachings and moral values, we endeavour to be the torch-bearers and ambassadors to mankind.

Charity Progression

Microsoft was rolled out to all the Chapters to enable connectivity via hi-tech digital ICT platform with built in redundancy. This established 24X7 operational availability for volunteers to offer services from anytime or anywhere.
The Charity established its own professional graphics design platform to develop and design the required marketing media including flyers, banners, high resolution graphics in Australia.
The Charity’s first laptop was purchased to offer robust services to the charity. Thanks to Queensland Government for their support.
Brisbane Chapter was provisioned with a fully functional commercial kitchen to encourage community cooking and encourage healthy eating habits during social events supported by Queensland Government.
The first Guru Basava photo was digitally reproduced and printed in Australia. Guru Basava photos of any specified dimensions can be designed and is available for purchase at a nominal cost.
Give 1 vachana, posters were designed and distributed to promote the philosophy amongst all in recognition of the first inaugural convention in Auckland.
‘Play Badminton – the Guru Basava Way” initiated by Perth Chapter, to promote and inculcate the values of the philosophy during friendly games. Thanks to Mr. Rudresh Kittur, for his research and lucid presentation.
Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd obtained the membership of the United Nations of Australia, a historic milestone to surface the philosophy to the world.
First Community Leaders Reception was hosted by the Brisbane Chapter to introduce the charity among various other cultures including African, Chinese, Korean, Bahii Communities, and the Indian sub-continent.
Learn2Grow Program was introduced for the benefit of the wider community in relation to addressing the STEM objectives of the Government. Learn2Grow Program offers aspirants to help change careers, advance in ICT technologies, finance, leadership, management, legal services etc. and assist with dream job placements.
Ask Me Series was incorporated into the program to enable industry specialists to share and present their experience to the Learn2Grow candidates. Thereby connecting industries and communities seamlessly.


Basava Samithi of Australasia (BSOA) Sydney Chapter inaugurated in 1994.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Melbourne Chapter inaugurated.
Basava Samithi of Australasia New Zealand Chapter inaugurated.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Singapore Chapter inaugurated in 2001.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Adelaide Chapter inaugurated.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Brisbane Chapter inaugurated.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Perth Chapter inaugurated.
Unanimous approval was sought by all the presidents of the Basava Samiti of Australasian chapters for registration of BSAPAC namely, Mrs. Girija Karekal (BSOA Brisbane Chapter President), Mrs. Leena Kalburgi (BSOA New Zealand Chapter President), Mr. Shadakshari. Adavayyanamath (BSOA Adelaide Chapter President), Mr. K B Matth (BSOA Melbourne Chapter President), Mr. Siddeswarappa. Siddappa (BSOA Perth Chapter President), Mr. Sangamesh Salimath (BSOA Sydney Chapter President), Mr. Somashekhar. N.S (Co-ordinator Singapore Vachana Koota), and Dr.Lingappa Kalburgi MNZM (Advisor, BSOA New Zealand).
Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd was registered with Australian Securities and Investment Commission.
Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd (BSAPAC) obtained international charity status from the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission (ACNC).
All Basava Samithi of Australasia chapters conducted the first Asia Pacific Town Hall to swear the First office bearers of BSAPAC. The first founding board comprising of the Chair, Dr. Lingappa Kalburgi MNZM, JP (M. Sc, Ph D), Mrs. Girija Karekal as Deputy Chair and Dr. Manjunath Rajashekhar as Director assumed office.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Inc, Brisbane Branch onboarded BSAPAC as Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Brisbane Chapter.
Basava Samithi of Australasia (New Zealand Chapter) Incorporated onboarded BSAPAC as Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific (New Zealand Chapter) and was approved by the Government of New Zealand.
Basava Samithi of Australasia Adelaide Branch onboarded BSAPAC as Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd, Adelaide Chapter.
Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Cairns Chapter was established.
Basava Samiti of Australasia Inc, Perth Chapter onboarded BSAPAC as Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Perth Chapter.
BSAPAC was invited to participate in the fireside chat hosted by LinkedIn with other 300 charities from across the world, including Sri Lanka, Thailand, Singapore, India, USA, Australia etc. Go BSAPAC!
As a registered charity using Microsoft technologies, a number of training opportunities are offered and extended to key interested individuals at the chapter level. Just in the last 30 days, we have received these training opportunities.

  • Driving innovation and accelerating your mission with Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Power Platform
  • Crash Course in Fundraising and Engagement

Please share this news among your chapter members. I am pleased to share the above circular with all of you. Its great progress and a huge milestone in the right direction. Interested students took advantage of this opportunity.
Official inauguration of the Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd by Hon Minister Michael Wood, Minister for Immigration, Transport, Workplace Relations and Safety, Auckland, Finance – Associate Minister. Mahatma Gandhi Centre, Auckland at the Mahatma Gandhi Centre, Auckland, New Zealand.
The Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal (QCAT) hearing from the Applicant, Basava Samithi of Australasia Inc. (BSOA) Brisbane Branch ABN 39205310289 was dismissed on the 19th June 2023 by the adjudicator. Therefore, the Respondent Basava Samiti of Asia Pacific Ltd (BSAPAC)646591844 has no further action towards BSOA as per this decision.